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Easiest Way to Cook Tasty Ayam Bakar Madu Wonogiri

Ayam Bakar Madu Wonogiri.

Ayam Bakar Madu Wonogiri You can cook Ayam Bakar Madu Wonogiri using 19 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Ayam Bakar Madu Wonogiri

  1. You need of ayam kampung/negeri.
  2. It's of (Sy pake ayam negeri, sy rebus sbntr, air sy buang).
  3. Prepare of santan kental.
  4. It's of air.
  5. Prepare of BUMBU HALUS :.
  6. Prepare of bawang merah.
  7. Prepare of bawang putih.
  8. It's of cabe merah.
  9. You need of kemiri sangrai.
  10. Prepare of ketumbar.
  11. It's of jinten.
  12. You need of kencur.
  13. It's of jahe.
  14. You need of Bumbu Aromatik:.
  15. Prepare of serai geprek.
  16. You need of daun jeruk.
  17. You need of laos geprek.
  18. You need of utk lumuran = madu.
  19. It's of Garam, gula pasir.

Ayam Bakar Madu Wonogiri instructions

  1. Siapkan bahan bahan.
  2. Uleg bumbu.
  3. Ungkep ayam, air dan bumbu bumbu sampai dengan ayam matang dan air menyusut.
  4. Tambahkan santan kental, masak lagi sampe dengan santan menyusut.
  5. Angkat ayam, lumuri dengan madu.
  6. Panggang dalam oven 15. Menit.
  7. Siap disajikan.

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